Sunday, January 4, 2009

nutrition according to Eve.

so my diet.*

it's a little bit of everything.

I sometimes follow food combining rules, or I have "all raw" days, I go with or without meat, dairy, fast food, for any given period of time, but I don't ever subscribe to just one "right way."

don't get me wrong... I went through counting calories. oh, I read every label within reach, and looked up nutritional content for everything else (truth be told, I still log my calories in every couple of days). I worked at a gym for a number of years, and they pounded the calorie in/calorie out theory into my brain every day.

the other concept that our personal trainers taught was eating clean. yes, they were ahead of the "no preservatives, no additives" game for awhile. it's really a no-brainer, and I completely agree with it. I'm pretty sure this and the organic movement are best friends.

at the beginning of the holidays, I promised myself that I would not beat myself up for eating too much. I didn't stress about desserts, or drinks, or anything along those lines, and although my self-loathing was absent.... my waistline grew. of course.

so what I've started doing is a combination of veganism, proper food combining, raw lifestyle, and indulging in foods that I like (but not too much).

I'm hoping that by limiting my general food consumption to fresh/frozen produce, minimal dairy and meat, and raw nuts, seeds, and sprouts, my body will rid itself of excess waste/weight.

*I will use the word "diet" throughout this blog to mean any or all of the following: food choices, nutrition, dietary lifestyle, food preferences, and other words belonging to Eve's Thesaurus not listed here. I will not use the word "diet" to exclusively mean a temporary change to one's lifestyle made specifically in order to "lose weight."

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