Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I have a protein question.

yes, we all know that people don't need as much as they think, too much is bad for your body, and that animal (meat or dairy) protein contains far more fat and cholesterol than plant protein (which has little to none).

that's not my concern.

I want to be able to vary my non-dairy, non-meat protein sources, so I'm not bored with leafy greens, soy, nuts, and beans.

what else is out there?

because while I'm not so concerned about monitoring my carb intake (I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for that), or my fat intake (most of the fat I consume is in the form of olive oil, avocado, or nuts), I do want to make sure my protein levels are up, especially when I start up yoga again.

I'm really not about supplements, especially the powered, manufactured kind that tend to sneak in casein (which is a form of animal protein).

can anyone offer me some advice?

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