Monday, January 12, 2009

if you're not into yoga, and you have half a brain...

damn Jimmy Buffet.

I like yoga. I have a half a brain (two halves, actually).

my exercise regimen, unfortunately, is not beginning for another week or so. I've never been much for "weight-training," or "cardio," in the sense that if I view fitness as a task, or just something to be completed, I am not motivated.

enter: group fitness.

don't get me wrong, I understand the need to challenge my body, and push it, and increase my stamina and ability, and the benefits of both cardiovascular and muscular fitness...

but I'd rather not think about it while I'm doing it.

bikram yoga has been a style that I have yet to try. I'm familiar with ashtanga and vinyasa, both of which I very much like, and I'm intrigued by this branch of yoga.

beginning next... Friday? Saturday?

soon... I'll be posting my thoughts, aches, and pains about this experience.

wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. good luck with bikram. i tried to do it, but it proved to be too difficult for me. now, i do heated power yoga.
